Single Point of Focus – Dharana

This week in my yoga classes we focused on the 6th limb of yoga which is Dharana, single pointed focus or concentration on an object. As we come closer to the end of our study of the eight limbed path of yoga, my hope is that readers and students realize that there is so muchContinue reading “Single Point of Focus – Dharana”

Asteya – Week 3

*Sunset from one of my favorite places, Seabrook, Washington. A moment of peace away from all the things.* This week we are talking about the third Yama – Asteya, which means non-stealing. For a recap of the first two Yamas click here and here. Most of us know that taking or stealing something that isContinue reading “Asteya – Week 3”

February ReFresh

I am giving myself a little break in February. First, I have decided to pause my yoga classes on Monday mornings. I am teaching a number of other classes in the week and the early mornings on Monday have been weighing me down. While I love seeing the beautiful faces of my regular students, IContinue reading “February ReFresh”

Simple Art

I love my writing group. We meet twice a month, we chat about all things. Today we talked about our writing, the world around us, our lives, our privilege, our stories, our families. As a writer you put it all out there and when you meet up with other writers there is not much that’sContinue reading “Simple Art”


I listen to Glennon Doyle’s; We Can Do Hard Things podcast often when I walk. Today I tuned into episode #36 Writing & Art. One of the things I loved hearing about is her early writing process and the idea of just writing what you write, not editing and then just posting. Once again goingContinue reading “Shadows”

Being Content With Letting Go

Last Thursday, I attended my regular Bhakti yoga class, masked up and in person, the theme for the class was Santosha or contentment. Santosha is part of the eight limbs of yoga. The first two limbs are The Yamas (restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows, how we show up in the world) and The NiyamasContinue reading “Being Content With Letting Go”

It’s Been A Year

*Photo from Seattle Art Museum last March, I don’t know the artist but I love the colors, the images and the peacefulness of this piece. In early March of last year, I decided I was going to do more. I was going to get out more, explore more, find things to do on my own,Continue reading “It’s Been A Year”

What We’re Eating This Week…

*Photo credit (top) (bottom) me – Monday’s dinner – Icelandic Baked Fish Our family has taken on an self-created, International Food Challenge. It all started because my oldest daughter, Siena, has become a bit worn out by her staple quarantine lunch which has been white rice with an egg, soy sauce, sesame oil andContinue reading “What We’re Eating This Week…”

Warm Winter Breakfast

I don’t know about you but I love a warm breakfast in the winter, when its cold outside I want something warm in my belly.  Since September, I have been enrolled in an Ayurvedic Seasonal Wellness program with one of my favorite yoga instructors, Melina Meza, we spent the fall talking about the Vata seasonContinue reading “Warm Winter Breakfast”

How it all began…

In honor of my husband’s 50th birthday, I decided to post a little excerpt from my memoir (it will likely change before publishing) of how we met and where it all began. Enjoy! The note, from the Paris stranger, read: “Fellow Cougar, seeks other Cougars to hang out in the city of lights. – Andrew,Continue reading “How it all began…”