100 Day Challenge

Inspired by writer Suleika Jaouad and The Isolation Journals, I am embarking on a 100 day challenge. I am keeping it very simple and staying curious to see where it will lead. While I already take daily walks with my pup, my goal for the next 100 days (from today until July 9th) is toContinue reading “100 Day Challenge”


I listen to Glennon Doyle’s; We Can Do Hard Things podcast often when I walk. Today I tuned into episode #36 Writing & Art. One of the things I loved hearing about is her early writing process and the idea of just writing what you write, not editing and then just posting. Once again goingContinue reading “Shadows”

Blowing In The Wind

The windy fall days leave me untethered, longing for something to sink my teeth into. Longing for meaningful projects. I assumed removing myself from the noise of social media would give me levity and a sense of freedom. Do I feel a sense of relief? No. Am I still bombarded with news? Yes. Does theContinue reading “Blowing In The Wind”

Social Media Detox

Scrolling, scrolling, losing track of time. What is everyone up to? Where are the cute dogs? Maybe I will find some yoga inspiration. Down time, pick up my phone and find the social media. Mainly Facebook and Instagram. I find myself sitting in the same place after twenty minutes, maybe even an hour. Where hasContinue reading “Social Media Detox”

Everyday Is A New Beginning

Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again. It seems I have taken a bit of a summer hiatus on my blog writing. Often I have felt self doubt or lack of inspiration to get back here. I have also found myself busy with other tasks, not taking the time toContinue reading “Everyday Is A New Beginning”

Showing Up

*Coloring by me. From my Mindfulness Coloring Book. Sometimes it’s important to stop and just color. I couldn’t sleep, so I woke up early. My back aching and my mind racing. I did a longer than normal meditation, which was nice. Anyone that has ever moved or been in the middle of a transition, reallyContinue reading “Showing Up”

Let’s Start with Accountability

Welcome to my new blog! Thank you for being here. You might be wondering, why I am starting a new blog? Good question. Honestly and selfishly, it’s for me. I need Accountability. This year I want to make a regular habit of writing AND posting it. The goal is to share my writing, have myContinue reading “Let’s Start with Accountability”