Finding Flow to Grow … What gets you in the flow?

My question for you and that I asked myself was; “What will help me grow?” The answer … getting into the flow … what is that and how do we do it??

First edition: Yoga for You

Last week, I started a new series on the blog and posted the first round of “Where Were We?” Those folks that guessed got it right, we were in Zion. With our friends the Goldsmiths and we spent one night in Vegas. This is the original photo, with our kiddos at the NP sign. NowContinue reading “First edition: Yoga for You”

Where Were We?

Do you know where this photo was taken? A few clues: this was from our year on the road, we had extra kids with us and we all had a great time. Read on for more clues and to figure it out …


Anahata is the heart chakra. This week I decided to open my heart with a poem. There is a lot going on in the world on a global, local and individual scale and putting thoughts down in a poem seemed more heartfelt. 💚My heart opens and tries to bring in the light. 🌿I find myselfContinue reading “Anahata”

Diving into the Chakras

As we have been settling back into the New Year, we have been exploring the chakra system in my yoga classes. The chakra system consists of seven energy centers located along the spine, each associated with specific aspects of human existence.

The 8th Limb – Samadhi

We made it! This is the final week in our 16 week study of the eight limbs of yoga and the final limb is Samadhi. The word Samadhi combines a few Sanskrit words: sam, “together;” a, “toward;” and dadhati “puts or places.” Which essentially translates as “a putting or joining together,” or wholeness, oneness, integration.

Yoga in the Real World

This might be a convergence of two polar opposites but I thought I would try it nonetheless, I wanted to see how ChatGPT would interpret yoga sutras and the eight limb path of yoga, so instead of my normal researching and reading about the different limb for the week, I decided to see what ChatGPT would tell me about it, and this what I got…

Single Point of Focus – Dharana

This week in my yoga classes we focused on the 6th limb of yoga which is Dharana, single pointed focus or concentration on an object. As we come closer to the end of our study of the eight limbed path of yoga, my hope is that readers and students realize that there is so muchContinue reading “Single Point of Focus – Dharana”

Withdrawing From Senses – 5th Limb of Yoga

Pratyahara – Withdrawing from the senses. Letting go of all senses and just focusing on your breath. The fifth limb of yoga.